Ultrasonic Crack Testing Machine
Ultrasonic Crack Testing Machine

Ultrasonic Crack Testing Machine

CHIME (Creeping & Head Wave Inspection Technique).Flat and Curved Carbon Fiber, Glass Fiber, Honeycombs Parts Including Corners and Radius Areas.Simple and Complex Geometry Solid and Hollow Shafts and Axles.Fillet, Tee-, and TKY- Welds - Flat and Curved Parts.Equivalent or Different Thickness of Jointed Parts.Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Bevel or Unbeveled.Butt Welds (Planar and Circumferential) with.True-To-Geometry Volume Overlay and 3D Coverage and Imaging for:.

Ultrasonic Crack Testing Machine

Flaw Detection and Thickness / Corrosion Mapping.The optimal suitability of ISONIC 3510 for resolving of the huge variety of inspection tasks for all industries and processes involving ultrasonic NDT are stronglyīacked by the above listed features and technical particulars and specs below comprehensiveness of automatically created inspection reports.easily expandable on-board solutions base.rapidness in the creation of the new inspection solutions and procedures.simplicity and intuitiveness of operation and data interpretation.built-in image guided scan plan creator (ray tracer) for the numerous types of simple and complex geometry welds, shafts, bolts, spindles, composite profiles, and the like.outstanding ultrasonic performance and probability of detection.5 inspection modalities – PA, TOFD, CHIME, SRUT GW, conventional UT and a combination of them.ISONIC 3510 carries the application based smart platform for the regular and advanced ultrasonic testing delivering

Ultrasonic Crack Testing Machine